Saturday, August 16, 2008

1 Year Old, part 2

More videos today. Maren's friend Nina was with us until this morning. She flies out today, and my dad arrives this evening. But today, more birthday videos.

By the way, when did jumping on a trampoline become a sport??? I think someone on an Olympics committee's been drinking something a little strong. But we're getting rid of softball & baseball from Olympic activity? Bizarre.

Someone does NOT like wearing a bib, and Maren can't keep a candle lit.

1 Year Old

Today is Eowyn's first birthday. Too early to reminisce, so don't ask. Besides, she's only 1. Not to mention horrific memories of the delivery room experience still haunt my dreams.

This first video was shortly after Eowyn had her third cupcake. It is in real time.

But on a more serious note, we had fun today. We opened presents, but Eowyn wasn't in the greatest of moods. However, Eowyn discovered different shapes go through different holes. But even if you have the right shape, doesn't mean it'll just come back through the right hole...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Eowyn and the remote

Eowyn spent the night in the hospital last night. 'bout broke my heart to walk into her room and see her eyes all red from crying and the IV sticking out of her little foot. She felt a little warm to us yesterday morning, and Maren took her temperature, finding it to be 103.2 F (39.6 C). So, she took Eowyn to the dr., and he admitted her. Her white blood cell count was very high, and he was worried about a bladder infection. So Eowyn & Maren did not sleep well at the hospital. She still had a fever off & on today, the baby's Motrin was helping keep it lower, though. Hopefully she'll sleep tonight.

However, she did discover the remote to our new ceiling fan. I installed it with the fan last week, and it can dim the lights up & down as well as change the speeds. Made Eowyn forget all about her troubles for a little while.