Monday, January 25, 2010

New Car (to us)

We splurged. We bought a new car. We've been thinking of getting something a little roomier for the family, dogs included. We wanted something that'll handle the small German streets (our Taurus has the turn radius of a school bus...check that, one of those Semi trucks pulling 3 trailers you see out West...), fuel efficient-ish, and of course, we could all go to Oma & Opa's in. Of course, w/ dogs, we have to get a topper, but that shouldn't be an issue. Here are the ones we considered.

Its a 2008 Opel Astra Caravan. German-spec station wagon. Now seriously, why can't these sell in the US? Oh, right..."We don't like station wagons. We'll just get a bigger SUV."... *ahem* mean the station wagon of pickup trucks????


Dad said...

Car no.# 1 would look interesting going down the autobahn. Looks like a nice car for you.

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