Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A very Maren Baby Shower

July 5 was a happy day for us. We were privileged to pay $330 for towing and a new starter in our truck, but what's more, the Baylor Theatre dept. held a baby shower for Maren. The theme was "Diaper & Bath", and we really appreciated that DeAnna, Renee and Sue put this together for us as well as everyone who came. Here are some photos with some captions which I've cleverly devised myself.

Maren & Renee

Maren & Nate

Maren & baby

One of us is feining excitement...

...when "Rock Paper Scissors" for opening the gifts doesn't work...

Sometimes Maren's head falls over. I have to put it back upright.

Stan has a hard time being around cake ever since that whole Betty Ford incident...

Maren doing her Pirate impression...always a party favorite...


gretchenjohnson said...

I saw a new pirate movie. It was rated "arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh"

Anonymous said...

What's a pirate's favorite golf score????