Monday, November 26, 2007

Seasons Greetings from the Records!

Copy & paste the link for much hilarity...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Celebrating 48 blogs!

We have 48 states. There are 48 flavors at Baskin Robbins. Maren's IQ is 48. Jesus was born in 48 BC. My dad is twice as old as 48 and has 48 hairs on his head. I have 48 teeth. Everyone has 48 fingers and toes. 48 days in every month. Dr. Pepper has 48 flavors. And this is my 48th blog. Coincidence?

So to celebrate the 48th blog, we give you some new pictures. Go. Celebrate. Have fun. And enjoy 48.

...right now we don't have room in our kitchen for a dishwasher....soooooo.....

...Eowyn wondering when she gets her clothes back...

I'm not superstitious...but the Packers are 8-0 when Eowyn wears Packer socks. The one loss included a Halftime bath and no socks once the sleeper was put on.

Eowyn thinks it funny Daddy's pretending to be asleep. Or maybe just gassy.

When Mommy styles the hair...

Pop do you make a cool baby cooler???

...add sunglasses.

Whose got big eyes??

Saturday, November 10, 2007

New Videos

Here are brand spankin' new videos!

Er...maybe I should clarify first...there is NO spanking going on here. Just new videos. And "spankin'" in this context is an adjective, not a verb....Yeah.


Nov 4. Eowyn sucking her thumb, then getting fussy.

Nov 7. Eowyn talking to Mommy.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sneak Preview

Tomorrow we get our Mac back from the shop (the hard drive quit and had to be replaced). But we have BIG PLANS for updating the blog this weekend!

First, for those of you who think that Eowyn looks more like me than Maren, wait till we put some side-by-side photos of Maren & her sister as babies up on the site!

Second, we will have a NEW VIDEO up of Eowyn tomorrow night! That's right, folks, TOMORROW NIGHT!

She's been very vocal lately and, like Maren, has a lot to say! We were able to record some of that last night. So I'll again have the ability to upload video and put that on the ole blog.

Eowyn also enjoys a good game of "I'm a big girl and can sit up with Daddy's help" and "I'm a big girl and I can stand with Daddy's help". We hope to catch those on film too.

We are excited, and you should be as well. Bring some popcorn, bring a friend.

In the meanwhile, here's some picture's of Eowyn's Oshkosh B'gosh Halloween outfit (not the costume) that Daddy picked out ALL. BY. HIM. SELF.

Monday, November 5, 2007

All Hallow's Eve

I'm not quite sure, but I don't think Eowyn the Pooh got much out of her first Halloween. First, the students here at ETBU host "Candy Fest" each year, and decorate their dorm halls for Halloween. Each hall has its own theme. I held Eowyn, and Maren held the bucket. But it was a rather warm evening, and Eowyn was wearing a rather warm costume, and that just made her tired. She didn't stay awake too long waiting in line.

Second, she hasn't gotten any candy yet, and she's pretty upset about that. She keeps reminding us there's no way for her to get any cavities since there aren't any teeth yet. We'll see, huh? I kept trying to sneak her some ribs last night, but Maren wouldn't let me.

She's also beginning to drool a lot lately...Maren is praying there aren't any teeth coming too soon.

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Home IV: A New Hope

A short time ago, in a galaxy you also live in...there was a civil war brewing on lots 22 & 23. Evil Galactic trees were bombing the rebel base with their leaves, needles, and limbs in an attempt to discourage Rebel fighters from raking.

During the battle Rebel fighters had stolen plans that would ease the removal of the debris. Rebel fighters called the Power Company to restore tension to the electric cable, and a secret weapon was received from in-laws living in a far off country through smuggled funding disguised as a "Christmas" "gift". This weapon gave the Rebel Alliance...A New Hope.