Monday, November 5, 2007

All Hallow's Eve

I'm not quite sure, but I don't think Eowyn the Pooh got much out of her first Halloween. First, the students here at ETBU host "Candy Fest" each year, and decorate their dorm halls for Halloween. Each hall has its own theme. I held Eowyn, and Maren held the bucket. But it was a rather warm evening, and Eowyn was wearing a rather warm costume, and that just made her tired. She didn't stay awake too long waiting in line.

Second, she hasn't gotten any candy yet, and she's pretty upset about that. She keeps reminding us there's no way for her to get any cavities since there aren't any teeth yet. We'll see, huh? I kept trying to sneak her some ribs last night, but Maren wouldn't let me.

She's also beginning to drool a lot lately...Maren is praying there aren't any teeth coming too soon.


Brooke said...

Just wait the drool continues to come...sometimes I think in buckets (still no teeth here). So don't worry too much. Also wanted to say too bad for ETBU's game this weekend. :)

Emily said...

So cute! She is getting so big!

karl said...

i hope you don't feed little pooh honey...

(isaac's brother would love that next year)

whitney said...

I tried real hard to sneak her a lick of my lollipop...but that Maren..she pays attention, that one.