Saturday, November 17, 2007

Celebrating 48 blogs!

We have 48 states. There are 48 flavors at Baskin Robbins. Maren's IQ is 48. Jesus was born in 48 BC. My dad is twice as old as 48 and has 48 hairs on his head. I have 48 teeth. Everyone has 48 fingers and toes. 48 days in every month. Dr. Pepper has 48 flavors. And this is my 48th blog. Coincidence?

So to celebrate the 48th blog, we give you some new pictures. Go. Celebrate. Have fun. And enjoy 48.

...right now we don't have room in our kitchen for a dishwasher....soooooo.....

...Eowyn wondering when she gets her clothes back...

I'm not superstitious...but the Packers are 8-0 when Eowyn wears Packer socks. The one loss included a Halftime bath and no socks once the sleeper was put on.

Eowyn thinks it funny Daddy's pretending to be asleep. Or maybe just gassy.

When Mommy styles the hair...

Pop do you make a cool baby cooler???

...add sunglasses.

Whose got big eyes??


Kelly said...

Love the Nike outfit!

Jill Anderson said...

What a cutie! Love those pretty eyes!

karl said...

Great blue' glad she is wearing the packer socks to help them win...