Monday, April 21, 2008

8 months

No, that's not how long its been since I last blogged, that's Eowyn's age. I'm sure those of you who are upset that I haven't posted any photos of our daughter who is now crawling and getting her top two teeth will be able to get over it. It was a very busy month directing the two plays. I was usually at school from about 7/7:30 every morning until 11 or 11:30 each night. Even weekends the weekends. But the shows have now come & gone, and I have much more time at home.

But Eowyn is growing up & changing quickly. She's a quick little bugger, too, and almost to the point where she's into everything. Right now she's only into 85% of everything. She climbs like a little monkey all over everything, trying to pull herself upright, and sits well on her own. About a week or 2 ago she amazed me by feeding herself her own bottle. Maren said, "Oh yes, she's trying." I said, "No, she IS feeding herself." Her crawling is still on her belly, but she's moving faster & faster.

I'll post new pictures soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulation dear Nathan! I´m proud of you that you´ve got everything fine. I´d like to see the plays! Do you have videos to send me?