Monday, April 9, 2007

She's a Dienstbach!!

So because of the thunderstorm/tornado on March 30, Maren & I didn't get any pictures of the baby. But today we were back to finish the ultrasound. She's still a girl, which was a relief since several people have given Maren cute little girl outfits. Her little legs were spread pretty wide. It was quite obvious she's a girl. That's a trend that better not continue...

Some of you are wondering "what does he mean by 'she's a Dienstbach?'" Well, Dienstbach is the maiden name of Maren's mom. When we got a profile view of the baby's face today, she was jawing away. We figure Little Girl Records will be a motor mouth just like her mommy, her Oma, and her all her mommy's aunties. Of course, she'll be just like her daddy's sister, mom and aunties too. But you should hear her mommy and Oma talk on the's like two auctioneers...

1 comment:

gretchenjohnson said...

Look how cute she is!!! P.S. You don't talk a lot??????????