Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Home, Part II: A Work in Progress

I promised a while ago that there would be some new pictures on the way of the home and have as yet failed to deliver. Well wait no more!

Here's the front of the house. Its odd because our address is on one street, but the driveway and the front of the house sit on another street. Odd. By the way, that's Baylor laying in the front yard in front of the porch. She loves to just go and sit/lay outside, and she's very protective of Mommy & Eowyn, especially when Daddy's not there...just ask the four guys who've tried to come up looking for odds-n-ends work...

One major project we've decided to wait until spring/summer for is repainting the trim on the house. First, I despise the color. Second, it needs to be done.

One of the unique things in our yard, besides the creek, is this side yard, on the south side of the house (the squirrels from the north side avoid those from the south). If you enlarge the picture you'll see a brick retaining wall. Its actually about a foot tall. On the other side you'll see the top end of a smoker. We have an outdoor brick grill. Then you'll see the brush pile...you may not be able to see it very well, but trust me, its there. Speaking of, if anyone wants to help me clean it out in two weekends....

The tree that is leaning waaaay to the right is at the back of our property. In fact, fortunately, its our neighbors tree, so if it ever falls....

The back side of the house. Not very appealing at the moment. I'd like to get rid of that railing and install a wooden deck. Windows from L-R: Kitchen, door to kitchen, 1/2 bath, full bath.

The Forest. Or what remains. The backyard looked as though it had been avoided for a long time. I wish I'd taken some more photos, but there was a neighbor we didn't know existed until I knocked down all of the bamboo. The shed is in shambles. I don't know if it would be smarter to knock it down or replace the awful flooring. (I can't tell if it was water or termites or both that led to all of the rot.)

You see the bridge in the foreground. It crosses the creek in our backyard. Its close to 6 feet deep in spots, including the bridge.

To give you an idea of how leafy it is back there. Not much grass, mostly a forested floor. A lot of work to do because I'd like to have more grass and less forest. We like the forest, not the poison ivy.


Emily said...

Thanks for posting pictures! I love the forest"y" look! So fun! Hope you three are doing well.

MJ said...

Great place!

Looks like a fun back yard for when Eowyn is a little older!

MJ said...

hmmm..."administrator" is not my name!?

Melissa Bower

gretchenjohnson said...

I love your housey. We need some inside pictures.

Anonymous said...

It's awesome, Nate! You're going to have a lot of fun with that yard! Congrats.